Tuesday 14 May 2019

10 Must-Have Small Appliances for Your Kitchen | Snapdeal Offers

We no longer live in an era where women spend their entire time in the kitchen making meals for the family or as a matter of fact in the era where only women go inside the kitchen. The ultra-modern society today live a very fast paced life with minimal time in their hands and thus we have become suckers for any sort of technology that can make our lives easier and more convenient. Even in the kitchen, there have been multiple upgradations in the small appliances that make our cooking faster and easier. In fact, apart from the mainstream big appliances like refrigerator, overs or microwaves, these are the 10 must have small appliances for your kitchen that every household should have.

Caffeine has become the fuel for the human mind today. Our days start with a hot cup of coffee making us all capable of functioning the whole day. A coffee maker is such an indispensable kitchen appliance that gives our freshly brewed coffee within minutes. A drowsy head wouldn’t want to spend a long time waiting for the coffee. For the out and about generation, a coffee machine is a must-have.

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Toasters are such a blessing for making quick breakfast possible. It is included in the basic requirements of many kitchens. You will get crispy loaves of bread and bagels and croissants within minutes without having to go through the whole process of doing the same on the gas. Even kids can operate it which is a huge plus point in terms of safety.
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When you in a mood to whip a quick smoothie bowl, juices, soups, thick shakes, sauces or create a puree for your gravy; a blender becomes a necessity in your kitchen. All you have to do is throw in all the ingredients and within seconds the whole thing blends together deliciously. A blender is a simpler version of a food processor and is used mostly for liquids and ices.

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If you want to chop a lot of vegetables, whip up a nice batter for a brownie or even put together the flour dough; a food processor comes in handy. The larger blades in the food processor make it a very quick and convenient procedure. There are a variety of detachable blades that comes along with the processor and can be used for multiple purposes. Use the Snapdeal coupons and purchase the best food processors in the market online at amazing discounted prices.
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5. Mixer

Not every blender and food processor can match up to the operational capacity of a mixer. Every Indian household has at least one mixer that does all the job for them. From making the fresh chutneys to combining the cake dough; a mixer can work wonders in your kitchen and give you the possibility of working out with so many recipes.

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As we are moving towards the healthy eating lifestyle, we are moving away from pan-fried and oil-based cooking. With an electric grill, the possibility of grilling so many options arise, be it veggies or meta; grillers with just a few smears of butter can work really well for your cooking.  These grillers are small, compact, smoke-free, leaves no stains and very easy to clean. If you are looking for a good quality electric griller online, Snapdeal offers a wide range of grillers to steal away prices.
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Slow cookers are the newest advancements in the kitchens. These cookers basically use a very slow process of cooking which allows the food to simmer all day and gets ready by the end of the day to serve well and hot. If you are a working person who wishes to prepare a one-pot meal before leaving the house and wish to have it done till you get home, a slow cooker will be your best bet.

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Boiling water on the stove not only takes longer time but also consumes a lot more gas than you think. An electric kettle is a very energy saving essential kitchen appliance that makes the water boiling a very easy breezy task. If you are a tea or coffee person or like to drink lukewarm water, this will be your savior.
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9. Fryer

A healthy lifestyle has become a desire for every person today. We want to have the mouthwatering food like French fries, fried chicken, kachoris, samosas and more but we do not like that oil that comes with it. To find a solution to this problem, air fryers have come into the market. These fryers cook your favorite foods without oil and give the equivalent delicious taste.

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Rice making is such an irrelevant yet time-consuming task. Even though we consume rice a lot in our meals we tend to detest the time taken to cook the same and not every attempt leads to a consistent result. With the help of rice cookers, have your perfectly cooked rice just by pushing a single button.
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To avail the best prices on these kitchen appliances, check out the Snapdeal offers on electronics and Snapdeal latest offers on the kitchen appliances to fill your kitchen with these life-changing items.

Author: Maheroo Butt

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